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Oct. 26, 2023

Brightsource LED Lights: Which One Is Best for You?

Welcome to our first episode about lights! Wes talked to Ian from Brightsource Lights. They carry a variety of lighting products including LED light bars, pods, service vehicle lights and even headlights. We talked about some technical stuff, like what Lumens actually mean and the lastest LED technology.

Did you know that your can get a 15% discount on the Brightsource website by using the code 4x4 Canada.

Brightsource Website

15% off Brightsource Lights with cod 4x4canada
10% off TOC Supplies with code 4x4canada
10% off WildMedKits with code 4x4canada
10% off Afraid Knot Ropes with code 4x4canada22

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